Online Video Is More Viable

Group of People Streaming Online Video

Well, the IAB is now putting out studies showing that online video is more viable than ever before – Nielsen is about to launch a study with multiple (big) digital networks from cable to track against online usage…but, while 1 in 5 Americans is watching professional video online…95% are watching Television.

Note the word “professional” used above…I bet it’s more than 95% of Americans watching weird Korean musicians performing Gingham style originals and copycats!

That all said, I think 5-10 years from now we won’t even be distinguishing between “online video” and “television.”  It will all be the same thing. Multiple devices with multiple ways to watch multiple things (often simultaneously).

My bet is that future agency media buyers won’t be arguing with their bosses about whether to buy TV or Online…They’ll be arguing over whether to divide the spend over hand-held devices or “big screen” ones.

We’ll see.