Is Entertainment Meant To Sell Things?

People at Concert with Hands Up

I was truly conflicted by this story (below) I read today.  Razorfish is opening their (second) retail space/incubator/emerging experiences lab.

Wow! The marketer in me had a little rush. How cool to be part of evolving media into an immersive experience and making that experience relevant to retailers…which then makes it relevant to business in general, which now means not only am I apt to be more entertained when I’m buying things, but as an entertainment media executive I can look forward to far more interesting campaigns for my clients!

But wait a minute. Really? Entertainment is story-telling and story-telling is a reflection of our culture not only at present, but for the future. Do I really want the future and story-telling to get even more wrapped up in the package of consumerism and buying stuff?

Huh? I’m stumped.  Part of me kinda does.  Part of me kinda doesn’t.  Guess it depends, in part, on the stuff I’m being peddled through the stories. Or, how obvious is the distinction made between the facts and the buy pitch in the stories I’m told?

What do you think? Am I over-thinking this? Do we support Razorfish’s Emerging Experiences Lab and want retail to go the way of showmanship?  It’s not new, I suppose, there were those snakeoil salesmen in the Old West.

Let me know what you think? I need help on this one.

“Razorfish Opens San Francisco Lab For Emerging Retail Experiences.”